5 Tips for achieving a more"painterly look" for your art
I'm not sure if "painterly" is even a real art term, but it is a word I hear quite a bit when teaching and talking about my art. A reoccurring question I receive is, "How can I make my art look "more painterly"? So... I looked it up and according to the oxford dictionary, painterly is defined as; "of or appropriate to a painter; artistic."she has a painterly eye" or (of a painting or its style) characterized by qualities of color, stroke, and texture rather than of line."
While every artist has their own style, sometimes a painting inspite of the style, still lacks a "painterly" or artsy look. I often, even after many years of painting regularly, experience this in my own paintings. Some look and feel forced and some are fun and free.
I've found that for me, there are 5 basic things that impact my art as well as help me to loosen up and enjoy the process, therefore helping me evolve into my own style and more "painterly" look. If want all the details, click HERE to to learn more about my mini course, "5 tips for a more painterly look", and join my 5-Day challenge that you can work at on your own schedule and time table.
Here's a recap the 5 things I find helpful to get a more painterly look in my artwork.
1. Warm Up
2. Brush selection
3. Type of Paint
4. Don't overblend
5. Practice, practice, practice.
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