Celebration and Art for Missions
Celebration and Art for Missions
I wanted to share the story around the paintings below one more time because I have had such a great response to them, and the story is what makes this art so powerful and special. Around this time last year, during share time of my Fayetteville Fellowship Women’s ministry Bible study, we were blessed to hear the testimony about a group of women from #Fellowship who traveled to #Africa to minister to the women of Zambia, and also to bring them Bibles in their native language. We got to see a video of the women receiving their Bibles, and it is a sight I will never forget, even though I only witnessed it through a video. As they received their Bibles, the women danced and sang songs of joy and thanksgiving, raising their Bibles above their heads. In total spontaneity; they sang songs in harmony but each in their own tribal language. It was truly a Holy Spirit inspired moment and left such an impression on me, that I knew it was a story I wanted to share though my art. O Lord, if I could only possess this joy, reverence and celebration of your word! “Clap your hands, all peoples! Shout to God with loud songs of joy!” Psalm 147:1
The rest of the story: Praises be to God, that more women showed up for the revival than expected, but unfortunately there were not enough Bibles on hand to give to each of the women. Also, while on the mission trip, Jenny Lawson, one of the organizers of the trip, lost her mother. According to Jenny, the Zambian women rallied around her, praying over her and grieving with her, making it such a special time. When she got back to the states she set up a Bible fund as her mother's memorial so that she could purchase Bibles and send them back to the women who did not receive one while they were there. Amazing how God works through all things to bring good!
While the original mixed media pieces have already sold, I have hand embellished stretched canvas giclees available on my website. Larger custom print sizes also available upon request.
All proceeds for the original paintings, as well as a portion of all print proceeds, are donated directly to the the Doris Putnam Bible Fund set up to purchase Bibles to people groups in their native language.

I love these. Africa is dear to my heart.