New song for the new year
New song for the new year

We just built a new house this year and finally got moved in this past October. One of my favorite things about our new home is the green space behind us that makes me feel like I live out in the wilderness. There are tons of beautiful trees and a drop off with a creek that runs when it rains. I can catch glimpses of my neighbors during the winter months, but I mostly just see God's amazing creation. I have a huge picture window in my kitchen so I get to enjoy the view 24/7. So far we've seen birds, deer, squirrels, rabbits, coyotes, possums, skunks and even a ground hog-- or some sort of large furry creature. It's the birds that blow me away. We must be on a humming bird route, because during the fall before temperatures dropped, we would sometimes have up to 6 humming birds fighting over our feeder.
The other day my husband and I were having coffee and a conversation about some things that have been heavy on my heart with my business and life in general, and were seated near the window. I've been keyed into the red birds lately because I've painted a couple, so a red bird caught my eye. It landed

on a branch of a tree near the deer feed (yes, you just might be a redneck if you have one of these in your back yard), and then another one flew in, and then a third. Then a huge blue jay joined them, a scattering of blue birds landed, and a red headed wood pecker joined. I am not exaggerating, I felt like we were in a bird sanctuary. It was the strangest thing ever. The feeder had not run recently, but for some reason they all decided to come to my yard at the same time. It was such a special, yet profound moment, and I'm trying not to read too much into it, but I can't stop thinking God was trying to tell me something.
I know that redbirds, or cardinals, are special to a lot of people. In fact, I've had 3 customers recently who have expressed that they would love for me to paint a red bird because they hold special meaning for them. As I researched a bit about their symbolism, and although I couldn't find anything that supported these Biblically, I found everything from good luck to angels being near to hope and newness of life. For me personally, they remind me of my great grandmother, who loved birds of all kinds, and especially songbirds. As I prayed about starting a new year and what to paint first, I kept coming back to the cardinal. While the verse I collaged onto it has nothing to do with birds, it really fit well with a songbird and and new year, and really were I feel God directing me for 2019. What song will you be singing in 2019?

This small original above is for sale in my etsy shop, and I will have small canvas prints available soon on my website. Also, check out my Society 6 and Zazzle store for some great items like pillows and coffee mugs with this painting. Many blessing for your 2019-may you find your song!