The Art of Texture: Techniques to Enrich Your Artwork-Palette Knife Painting

The Basics of Palette Knife Painting


For me, one of the most exhilarating ways to express creativity is through texture in my mixed media art. I’ve always been a touchy feely person. If you’re around me for long, you’d notice I run my hands across walls, feel my clothes before I even try them on, and even touch others clothes-with permission, of course. I always say that when someone asks if they can touch my artwork, it’s a huge compliment, and I know I’ve created something true to me.

There are a variety of ways I achieve texture in my artwork. If you’d like to go deeper on this subject, check out my Touchable Texture online course where I show you all the techniques I use to created thick, layered, textured mixed media art. Some of my other online lessons, like Painting Abstract Trees, also use some palette knife techniques. One of my favorite ways to create texture is by using a palette knife and applying thick, rich paint across one of the last layers. In this blog post, I’ll be giving a quick overview of the basics using a palette knife with acrylics in a mixed media painting.

What is Palette Knife Painting? At the basic level, palette knife painting involves using a flat, blunt instrument (the palette knife) instead of traditional brushes. This tool is fantastic for applying thick layers of paint, creating sharp edges, and achieving unique textures. The result is a striking visual impact that can’t be replicated with a brush. The best part, besides the texture, is that there are no messy brushes to clean up!

Getting Started

  1. Gather Your Supplies:
    • Palette Knives: Invest in a few different shapes and sizes. A straight knife is great for spreading paint, while a pointed one is perfect for details. The plastic version is fine for starters if you are just experimenting, but the metal ones are my preference.
    • Paint: Acrylics or oil paints work wonderfully, but for beginners, I recommend starting with acrylics due to their price, quick drying time and ease of use. You will also have the best result with a heavy bodied paint or by adding an acrylic medium like a soft gel or paste.
    • Canvas or Panel: Choose a rigid, flat surface that can hold the texture, such as a canvas or wooden panel.
    • Palette: You’ll need a palette for mixing colors. Wax paper is an inexpensive option.
  2. Choose the Right Paints:
    • Acrylic Paints: Look for high-viscosity (heavy body) acrylics, which are thick and perfect for creating texture. Brands like Golden Heavy Body or Liquitex Basics are great options. Hobby Lobby also has their brand of heavy body acrylics that are great for beginners. These hold their shape and allow for impasto techniques.
    • Student Grade vs. Professional Grade: As a beginner, student-grade paints can be a budget-friendly choice, but professional-grade paints will give you richer pigments and better texture. If possible, try a mix of both!
  3. Prepare Your Workspace: Set up a comfortable area with a flat surface and good lighting. Have your paints, palette knives, and canvas within easy reach.
  4. Choose Your Colors: Start with a limited palette to keep things manageable. Primary colors mixed with white can give you a broad range of shades.

Technique Tips

  • Load Your Knife: Dip your palette knife into the paint and load it up. You want enough paint to create texture but not so much that it overwhelms the surface.
  • Apply with Confidence: Use a sweeping motion to apply the paint. You can scrape, layer, or spread to achieve different effects. Don’t be afraid to experiment—each stroke can create unexpected beauty!
  • Create Texture: Use the edge of the knife to create lines, and the flat side to apply thick layers. Try scraping back layers to reveal colors underneath for a stunning effect.
  • Blend and Layer: You can blend colors directly on the canvas or mix them on your palette before applying. Layering different colors adds depth and interest to your piece.

I always say that using a palette knife is almost like icing a cake!  For me, it encourages freedom and spontaneity, and allows me to break free from perfectionism. Don’t be afraid to make bold choices and let the texture tell your story. The beauty of this method lies in its unpredictability, so embrace the process!

Whether you’re a seasoned artist or a curious beginner, palette knife painting offers endless possibilities. Grab your tools, unleash your creativity, and enjoy the journey of discovering this fun technique! Happy painting!

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