My Favorite Art Supplies

Here's my go-to art supplies with links. These are products and supplies that you will often see me using for my courses, demos and workshops. All products listed are ones that I personally use and recommend.


Cradled wood panels

Framed canvases

Mini cradled wood blocks (Jerrys Artarama)



Acrylic paint-Fav color (aqua)

Acrylic paint-Fav color (magenta)

Acrylic paint Fav color (bright pink)

Acrylic paint Fav color (brown)

Acrylic paint Fav color (light pink)

Acrylic paint Fav color (blue) 

Golden Heavy Body Paints


Acrylic Mediums


Gel medium gloss

Gel medium matte

Golden Acrylic Mediums



Spray Varnish

Spray Varnish matte

High Gloss Varish *my everyday go-to




Glue sticks

Glue Medium-for art journaling etc.

Gold Leaf Adhesive-Beacon Metal Leaf Adhesive (Hobby Lobby)


Palette Knives

Starter Set


Mark Making

Acrylic Paint Pens

Gold Leafing Pen

Oil Sticks

Oil Paintstiks

Oil Pastels 

Water Soluble crayons

Water Soluble Graphite pencil

Solidified Paint Marker

Intense Ink Blocks



4x6Scalloped Acrylic Frames

5x7 Scalloped Acrylic Frames with stand

Gallery Floater Frames (Blick Art Supply)


Favorite Misc Can't Live without

Brush Soap

Mini Misters

Gold Leaf

Gold Alcohol Ink


Art Course Filming Necessities

Filming Mount with Light


Favorite Art Books *these books are all in my collection

Called To Create 

The Artist's Way

All That is Made

Art Journal Kickstarter (I'm in this publication :)

Color Mixing

Big Magic

Steal Like An Artist

The War of Art

Art + Faith


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