Top Mixed Media Art Supplies and why I love mixed media

I started off learning to paint in oils and quickly found out, especially once I had children, that the mess and long drying time didn't fit my lifestyle. With the development of heavy body acrylic and acrylic mediums, I discovered I could get some of the same looks that I loved from oils by using acrylics. Being a tad ADD and having a tendency to get bored easily, I started to add products to my acrylic works. I've always been of the mindset of "the more the merrier" so why not adapt that motto to my art supplies.

The top reason I love mixed media is that there are no rules! Experimentation and continued learning are key. There is so much freedom, play and ability to create something truly unique to you. The layers of tactile elements allows a true freedom of expression when creating.

In this YouTube video, you can see some of my go-to favorite supplies and how I use them. Simply click HERE or on the pic below to view the demo.

If you are interested in know which specific products I use, have a link to a whole page of my favorite art related items in my Behind the Brush Newsletter. When you subscribe, you get access to the list and there is a link for each specific product that I use almost every time I create a mixed media work, and also that I mention in the video. Click on the photo below to subscribe or HERE

This bi-monthly newsletter is geared to artists with relative, useful content and links to new demos, tutorials and courses.Some of my favorite, go-to mixed media products that you will find in most of my art include:

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